
Several manufacturers can not make the hydraulic relief valves with 1 second opening and closing per

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Romero from Spain has cooperated with AAK on a hydraulic pressure control valve for 3 years, and it is re-ordered 3 times a year. He has been very smooth on every purchase, but in October last year, he encountered problem on a batch of hydraulic relief valves purchased from other hydraulic valve manufacturer, and was complained by customers one after another, which made the boss very disappointed with him. AAK finished the non-standard customized hydraulic relief valves with 1 second opening and closing performance within 30 days, which made Romero win back the trust of the boss.

Not long after returning from the Spring Festival holiday this year, Romero emailed to ask whether 50 hydraulic relief valves with opening and closing ability of less than 1 second can be customized within 30 days, and stressed that the flow must be stable. Because the new year just started, there were many things in the workshop, and I wanted to refuse. After several rounds of email communication, I learned about his predicament. In the second half of last year, their company produced a batch of hydraulic power units for ship equipment. 3 months after sales, the customer complained that the pressure supply of the system was unstable. It was found that the opening and closing performance of the hydraulic relief valve was poor and the flow control was unstable, which led to the unstable pressure supply of the system. The original manufacturer of the hydraulic relief valves said that this is an individual phenomenon, and the hydraulic relief valves with problem can be replaced for free. But unexpectedly, in the next month, they received complaints from customers one after another, and can not get into contact with the original manufacturer, making their after-sales service hard to cope with. The boss was very angry and requested Romero to re-customize 50 hydraulic relief valves within 40 days, and the manufacturing quality must be excellent. Romero contacted several hydraulic relief valve manufacturers. They either can\'t make hydraulic relief valves with opening and closing performance less than 1 second, or they need 60 days to customize 50 hydraulic relief valves. A week has passed without any progress. Romero is extremely worried.

In the past 3 years, I have enjoyed working with Romero. After discussing with the engineer, I decided to help him. After 30 days, AAK sent 50 hydraulic relief valves with opening and closing ability less than 1 second. Today, Romero informed that with the use of AAK hydraulic relief valves, their equipment has not been complained in nearly 6 months. Before installation, their engineers specially tested the opening and closing performance of AAK hydraulic relief valves, each within 1 second. I told Romero that our guarantee is not 6 months, but 12 months is our pass line. As long as there are no deliberate human problems, the service life of AAK hydraulic relief valve is 2 million times, which is benchmarked with the quality of HydraForce. This is also the reason why many hydraulic valve manufacturers can not do it. AAK has already surpassed its domestic counterparts.

The selection of the pressure spring of this hydraulic relief valve is the key. 60Si2CrVA alloy steel pressure spring is its perfect match. The tensile strength and yield strength of the pressure spring is at least 70% higher, ensuring the opening and closing performance within 1 second.

AAK uses the high-precision honing machine imported from Switzerland to finish this hydraulic relief valve, and the valve hole accuracy can be within 1.0μm, the flow stability is guaranteed, while most of the hydraulic relief valve manufacturers are around 2μm.

3. AAK hydraulic valve has a large amount of data storage. With the most advanced UG/SOLIDWORK software and finite element analysis method, the process data can be configured in 2 hours, which is 3-6 times faster than other hydraulic valve manufacturers.

AAK hydraulic relief valves, opening and closing in 1 second, durable for 2 million times, you can also have a small try!

AAK HYDRAULIC VALVES (319) 2022-08-15

Цена: 100 руб.
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