
The original factory can not achieve the hydraulic relief valve with IT7~4 hole accuracy, and AAK wi

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Chernychevsky is from a Russian company specializing in medical hydraulic equipment. Last week, I received an urgent order from him, urgently needing 30 hydraulic pilot operated relief valves. He specially noted that the quality of the hydraulic relief valves should be the same as that of the samples at the end of last year. I was a little surprised because the hydraulic relief valve had no news after the sample was sent last year. Today, it is an urgent order and the quantity is small. Chernychevsky may have realized my surprise. He also frankly told me that besides AAK, another hydraulic relief valve manufacturer also made the samples last year. In the sample stage, both samples passed the test, but the price of AAK hydraulic relief valve was 30% higher, so AAK was not selected. But after receiving the mass production of hydraulic pilot operated relief valve, the trouble began.

At the equipment assembly stage, it was found that the precision of the hydraulic pilot operated relief valve was not up to standard, so he had to sort the hydraulic relief valves and install it again. 6 months ago, there were several complaints about inaccurate positioning or weak lifting of the hydraulic lifting system of the equipment. According to the original hydraulic relief valve manufacturer, the hole accuracy of this hydraulic relief valve is IT7 ~ 4. This tolerance requirement makes it difficult to ensure that each hydraulic relief valve has no error and can only be replaced those ones. But after 3 months, the hydraulic pilot operated relief valve still leaked. After the boss knew it, he criticized his hasty purchasing behavior and was very disappointed with him.

Chernychevsky realized the seriousness of the problem and could only replace with AAK hydraulic relief valves, because he had cooperated with AAK for 3 years and had never been complained. He regretted not choosing AAK hydraulic valve for the sake of 30% price difference. After the 30 samples of AAK were sent, he privately told me that he would no longer worry about the boss\' looks. He was in a good mood and relaxed.

AAK hydraulic relief valve is 100% qualified with high precision. It depends on the following 3 points, which few factories can achieve:

The imported precision honing machine is operated by a specially assigned person to ensure the precision machining of the hydraulic pilot operated relief valve hole. After honing, the accuracy of the hydraulic relief valve hole is IT7 ~ 4, and the surface roughness can reach Ra0.32 ~ 0.04 μM.

After processing, the Mahr cylindricity meter imported from Germany is used to accurately measure each part through EasyForm software to obtain the measurement results. At the same time, the workpiece can be quickly adjusted and aligned to improve the measurement efficiency. Ensure the concentricity of each hydraulic pilot operated relief valve is 100% consistent.

After installation, pressure test should be conducted for each valve before packaging. During the whole manufacturing process, the process should be strictly followed and the details should be carefully checked to ensure that each hydraulic pilot operated relief valve is qualified before shipment.

AAK hydraulic pilot operated relief valve, you can rest assured of accuracy, and have a small try!

AAK HYDRAULIC VALVES (273) 2022-06-30

Цена: 100 руб.
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Информация по The original factory can not achieve the hydraulic relief valve with IT7~4 hole accuracy, and AAK wi предоставлена компанией-поставщиком AAK INDUSTRY CO., LTD. Для того, чтобы получить дополнительную информацию, узнать актуальную цену или условия постаки, нажмите ссылку «Отправить сообщение».
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